Tutor Tool Kit
Your "business in a box" with done-for-you templates and tools to keep your tutoring business on track!
You know you NEED to have "all the things" ready to go for your tutoring business. The handbooks, guides, policies, agreements, invoices, revenue trackers, tracking expenses... These are the backbone of a business that is set-up-for success and not looking ahead at another year of frustration.
Confidently create everything you need to get your school year off to a great start in just a few hours- not a few weeks.
Introducing... The Tutor Tool Kit!
(your "business in a box")
Imagine having all the guess work taken away, and all YOU have to do is decide which colors and images to use?? (After all, that's the fun stuff!)
Each template is completely customizable so you can make it perfectly fit your tutoring business and your branding. Everything can be edited, including the financial spreadsheets and documents.
Most importantly, you don't have to start from scratch! The hardest part to creating everything you need for your tutoring business is to get it all set up. Now, you just get to tweak and adjust- we've done the hard work for you!
What are other tutors saying?
"When TSA put out the Welcome Packet, I immediately downloaded it and got to work. In ONE night I was able to create and edit my Welcome Guide! I printed it out last night for the first time, and I am so impressed with how professional it looks. Thank you TSA for making it easy to cross off something from my To-Do List."
- Kathleen Lavallee, Huntsville Tutoring Company
So what makes this the best thing ever???
From one tutor to another...
Curious about what's inside?
Check out what's included below! Don't click on any of the sections, though- you won't have access until you enroll! ;-)
What's the investment?
How does $37 sound? We wanted to make this an easy YES! Just one of these templates alone will save you enough time to make it worth the investment.
-->> Please make sure to read the FAQs below, as this course purchase is non-refundable.