Hiring & Team Building Bundle

Trainings, resources, checklists, and more to grow from a solo-practice to thriving tutoring team!

Ready to build your team?

This hiring bundle is a treasure trove of resources and trainings to help you as you go from a one-tutor operation to starting to build a team. In this 5 part series, Dite shares 5 in-depth trainings...

  1. Planning for hiring- are you ready?
  2. Scaling your systems to go from what works for one to what works for a tutoring team
  3. Professionals to consult with for your support team
  4. Employee vs. 1099 considerations
  5. Posting & interviewing resources to build your tutoring team

Each part of the training includes...

  • video training
  • presentation slides
  • a printable action guide for implementation and reflection
  • checklists
  • helpful links
There is no other resource like this for tutors building teams, so we knew we needed to bring in the most talented tutoring team leader we knew! Dite is not only a successful business owner, but she is a great teacher. She breaks down the steps to building your team in practical, doable ways. If you have questions, email the team at tsasupport@tutorsuccessacademy.com .

Happy hiring!

Get started now!