Summer 2024 Cohort Tutor Business Foundations Program (& SELF STUDY)

Build your thriving tutoring business in 7 steps!

  Enroll in Course

The tutoring business of your dreams is totally possible!

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

  • You want to start a tutoring business, but you have no clue where to begin.

  • You have a tutoring business, but you're tired of chasing down payments, cancellations, and wondering... why isn't everything working out more smoothly?

  • Tutoring sounds like a perfect fit for you, but you're not sure how to get clients.

  • You kind of "stumbled" into tutoring- and now you're realizing you don't really have the systems in place to run things smoothly.

And deep down...

You wonder if you really have what it takes to run a successful business.

Let us assure you...

What are our members saying?


Can you imagine how it would feel to have a tutoring business that lights you up ?

  • Having the freedom to focus on what each student needs to reach their highest potential

  • Choosing what to teach and how to teach it based on your expertise and skill set (and what you ENJOY doing)

  • Developing close relationships with families because you truly get to work as a team

  • Earning an income that makes you feel like your expertise and experience is truly valued

  • Building your business around your life instead of fitting your life around your work responsibilities

  • Experiencing the freedom to be in the driver's seat and make decisions that work best for you and your students
Educators make great business owners! But does learning about the "business side" of things make you a little nervous?

What if:

  • You could tutor without worrying about having a bunch of cancellations this month?
  • You knew how to find new students easily?
  • You knew how to build relationships with professionals in your community who send you referrals on a consistent basis?
  • You felt confident in how much you charge?
  • You had help and guidance in making business cards, brochures, and setting up your website or social media page?
  • You had people to show you the ins and outs of running a small business?
  • You knew what to focus on now- and what can wait 'til later?
  • You had trusted resources, done-for-you templates, and people who have "been there" to give you advice and support when you need it?


Tutor Success Academy Summer Cohort & Self-Study Business Program!

The Tutor Success Academy cohort program will help you build a rock-solid tutoring business!

You'll learn to:

  • build a successful tutoring business you LOVE with a schedule you want, earning the income you deserve, and making a difference in students' lives
  • help families find you & immediately know you are the one they want to work with
  • create easy systems that minimize cancellations, reschedules, and lost income
  • design business cards, brochures, and flyers that look professional and appeal to the families who need what you have to offer
  • get off the income roller-coaster and create a "paycheck" that is consistent every month
  • use social media to educate and connect with families, as well as promote your business
  • manage the tasks that come with running a business so you can focus on what you love...teaching!


What makes Tutor Success Academy amazing?

  • 8 weeks of in-depth online trainings with AUDIO (so you can listen "on the go")
  • Printable workbooks for each training that help you plan your next steps, and most importantly- take action!
  • Challenges to get you excited to get things done and propel your business forward
  • Real-life examples that show what these things really look like in practice
  • Templates and tools to make the strategies personable and easy to implement

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With this purchase, you'll get INSTANT access to the program, trainings, and printable workbooks. (That's the "Self-Study" part.)

Then, on the Thank You page, you will ADD the Members Academy monthly membership for tutors. (This is the "Cohort" part!)


Tutor Success Academy is for you if...

  • you're just getting started (or maybe tutoring is even just an idea!)
  • you want to elevate your existing business
  • it's time to switch gears in your career as an educator and you want to be in the driver’s seat
  • you stumbled into tutoring "on the side" and never really thought of yourself as a business
  • you're ready create the road map to your next phase of success with a community of tutoring business go-getters

Ready to see what you'll actually be learning in each module?

While each training module is unique with its resources, examples, and content, each module comes with a presentation, printable workbook, weekly FB live to get a deeper look at the training and ask questions, and many modules have bonus materials for you to get the most out of the Academy.


"Everything I’ve done with my tutoring business has been backwards. In fact, I didn’t even realize this fact until being part of Jill and Emily's Facebook Live Business Sessions this year. One of the most profound moments for me was when Jill encouraged us to have a set of policies already drawn up and in place. Knowing that I have these policies in place, and that my clients have a copy of them before we even begin to work together, is paramount to my being able to stay in business for the long haul. That’s the goal, after all, to be able to do this for many more years to come. If I don’t think of myself as a business person, nobody will —and then where would all those kids be!?!"

- Christine Gurzler


What is the investment?

You get full access for just $297 or 2 installment payments of $150.

With 8 weeks of in-depth training and printable workbooks with tools and templates to make learning individualized (and *easy* to implement)-- Tutor Success Academy truly has the value of a much higher investment. However, you'll have *lifetime access* at this lower price!

"I took Emily and Jill's class this summer to help me get started tutoring, in addition to my full time teaching job, and it was 100% worth it! It really helped me lay the foundation for a strong business that I am loving and will be able to grow beyond a side business when I want to."

- Kelsie Onyango

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
This self-study program is immediately 100% accessible and you have lifetime access to your trainings and materials. If you are participating in the Summer Cohort, you will add on the Members Academy monthly membership. The membership is where we will work through the modules LIVE & together each week from June 2nd through the last week of July. You will have lots of different opportunities to attend either co-working sessions or Q & As, so no worries if you have a busy summer planned. You can "pop in" and "pop out" as needed!
How long do I have access to the 8-Week Tutor Business Foundations course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. The membership (a separate purchase) is paid on a monthly basis, and you can cancel at anytime.
How much "work" will there be? I'm pretty busy!
We totally get that! This self-study program can completely be worked through at your own pace. The Summer Cohort events (via the membership) will be spread out throughout June and July, so you'll definitely be able to connect and collaborate with other tutors around your schedule.

Get started now!